My son continues to disappoint me. Sometimes I wonder if he is my son or someone else’s. His head is always buried in his laptop, but I have never seen him make any useful software. Today children are startup billionaires at 15 years. He should be pushing the age limit down further. But such conversations sometimes backfire on me.
My Son: Dad, I have been selected for the “30 under 30” program.
Me: Awesome. I am proud of you.
It is not what you think. It is a performance improvement program for students who have scored under 30 marks out of 100 in 30 tests.
Oh. So you are not the child prodigy I was hoping for?
No. I am thinking of dropping out of school. Gates, Zuckerberg, Jobs were all dropouts
They dropped out from prestigious colleges. You are struggling to reach secondary school.
Research shows that there is no linkage between college degree and success in life
There is no such research. You have been watching too many American movies
Why don’t you send me to some old style Gurukul. I will become a great warrior like Chanakya.
Chanakya was not a warrior. No wonder you are flunking your exams. While we are at it, tell me Newton’s 3 laws of motion
See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no evil.
I see. And what does the Pythagoras’ theorem say?
That a Balance Sheet must always balance
I think it’s about time I met your Principal. I am not sure your school fees is going where it should
She also wants to meet you. She is raising funds for the new academic block.
On second thoughts maybe a gurukul is a better option for you. Study under the trees. No infrastructure, no fund raising drama
Thanks Dad. By the way, there is a 30 under 30 program for parents too.
What is that?A 30 minute counselling session for parents whose IQ is under 30.
What will they do in that session?
They will advise you not to have very high hopes from your kid when your own IQ is abysmal
What makes you think my IQ is below 30?
I am in 3rd Standard. Pythagoras Theorem and Newton’s laws are taught in secondary school.
Oh. You look much older than your age. But then how did you know that accounting stuff?
Yesterday when you were bathing your boss called. I asked him if he had any message for you. He said “Tell that idiot that a balance sheet must always balance!”