Shorting my fuse over ‘Shorts’

I am convinced that reverse Darwinism is in progress and the stupid shall claim the world. Nothing else explains the proliferation of ‘shorts’ in streaming platforms.These so called ‘shorts’, or ultra short ‘movies’ ranging between 10-15 minutes cannot even be called an ‘insult to intelligence’ because they get over before intelligence gets activated. One would expect that to make such a short span worthwhile, the creator would have packed it with intensity and a multitude of messages. Banish the thought. These are 10 minutes of your life you could have better utilised in concentrating over your bowel movements in the morning.

Imagine a scene like this – you are among 4-5 blokes who believe they have eccentric taste and have gathered together to binge watch ‘shorts’. Short 1 over. Silence in the room. Everyone thinks they must have missed the greatness in the movie but is too embarrassed to admit. Maybe they will get the next one. Short 2 over. Silence. Short 3 over. Silence. Short 4 over. Silence. You are going mad and desperately hoping that someone will call out the freaking elephant in the room. It doesn’t happen. After it is all over, everyone departs in silence, their collective dirty secret acknowledged by avoiding eye contact.

I am all for democratization of every thing. But in the world of video content creation that happened a long time back through Youtube. Why then are these pretentious trojans infiltrating streaming platforms? I have a better idea for them. A lot of people who used to replenish their brains on a daily basis are struggling due to the lockdown restrictions. They also happen to be very well connected. Send your videos to them for free circulation. You were never going to make money with that stuff anyways.