Everyone is telling me I am no good. That I am not driving my auto rickshaw even to the airport, which is 50 kms away. I have decided to change. Now I will not only go to airport, but also take feedback. Not like those taxi fellows. I am making my own feedback form which I will keep in seat pocket. Any customer who fills feedback form will get Rs 5 off on next trip.
I showed my feedback form to Mishra ji, but he is telling the form is no good. That it has only good good things. He is saying I should be open to criticism. I don’t know what he means by that. He was telling for example his boss gave him only poor rating this year and he does not care. But I am not like him. I care about feedback. That is why I design form like this.
I may not be having hi-fi job, but I know all best practices. I am going to collect all feedback and improve my services. So far 27 people have given me feedback. And I didn’t even drive them anywhere. Based on feedback it is looking like Rowdy should start Twitter account and get followers. One fellow telling me that if I have one million followers, I need not to work again in my whole life. Bah. That is nothing. In my village itself 5,000 people are there, what is one million? Just like that I will get one million followers.
That Malayali grocer Fruity Farookh is getting very annoying. He is jealous of my feedback form. He is telling me today morning that he is collecting feedback for more than 10 years. That I am a kid in front of him. What does he know about customer service? Whole day he is doing nothing but selling pumpkin and jackfruit to old people. Totally cut off from real world. But I am meeting interesting people every day. I am knowing pulse of people. That is why in feedback option I am putting ‘Rowdy for President’ also. Our current President is no good. He is acting like boss and deciding who will write and who will not write. When I become President even Kakoli the cat will be allowed to write.